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Pebblekit was born in the Thunderclan nursery as an only child to Sootclaw and Skyblossom. She was an unwanted child... at least that's what Pebblekit decided when she realized both parents had left Thunderclan without her. Pebblekit grew up being raised by the queens in the nursery, never given the special attention she so desperately craved. With a Shadowclan invasion of her home taking place during her kithood, Pebblekit rarely saw life outside of the nursery walls. She spent the first six moons of her life wishing someone would pay attention to her... and dreaming of life outside the walls.

Early apprentice moons:

At the age of six moons, Pebblekit was given the name Pebblepaw and assigned Shallowshiver as a mentor. The two rarely interacted due to Shallowshiver's health concerns, leaving Pebblepaw still trapped within Thunderclan's walls with nothing to do. 

Within a week of becoming an apprentice, Pebblepaw was introduced to Goldenpaw, Hazelpaw and Foxpaw. The four apprentices began devising a plan to sneak out of camp and catch butterflies, but were quickly caught by the Keeper Flameheart who sentenced the four to a moons worth of punishment. This left Pebblepaw with a bad taste in her mouth. Were all warriors this mean? Did being an adult mean nothing but chores and yelling?

The incident:

Less than a month later, Pebblepaw was assigned to a border patrol with Flamechaser, Bluetree, and Redowl. During this patrol, an awful idea began brewing in Pebblepaw's head. Why didn't she show Flameheart how important she was by catching a piece of prey with no knowledge of the borders or any hunting experience? This idea soon led to the apprentice accidentally tresspassing on Shadowclan land -and was quickly caught by a patrol led by Mirehound. One by one, Pebblepaw watched as every member of her patrol was brutally killed. Pebblepaw herself was almost killed by two Shadowclan apprentices Galepaw and Wildpaw, but managed to get away with heavy injuries.  She stumbled upon a patrol led by Bumblebreak, and eventually made her way back to Thunderclan for healing... leaving behind the dead bodies of Bluetree and Redowl (the only two warriors who had ever been nice to her). This incident resulted in multiple scars for the apprentice, both physical and mental.

Late Apprentice Moons:

After the incident, Pebblepaw fought to keep things exactly the way they were. Change was bad and led to scary encounters across the border. No. She would be staying inside camp. There she would learn to bond with her fellow Kreacher's Goldenpaw and Foxflurry who both became like protective older siblings to her. Adding to the bunch was a former rogue named Wolfpaw who Pebblepaw immediately attached herself to. The rest is history.

Despite her best efforts, Pebblepaw couldn't go without training forever. She took fighting lessons from the then medicine cat apprentice Cinderpaw as well as climbing lessons from her new mentor Sorreldust. In a short time Sorreldust became a mother figure to Pebblepaw, allowing the apprentice to learn at her own pace and learn not to fear the outside world. On one of these climbing lessons, Sorreldust took Pebblepaw to the resting place of Bluetree, Redowl, and Flamechaser. The apprentice was finally able to say goodbye.

In the late new leaf moons, Thunderclan's camp fell in. The clan was forced to move to a new home and start over - much to the chagrin of Pebblepaw. She still held guilt for the incidient, and now she believed her "Super Pebble Punch" was what caused the camp to cave in. After fellow apprentice Crowpaw's emotional outburst towards his father Thrushstar, Pebblepaw admitted her involvement with the incident to the whole clan. Most embraced her. Thrushstar looked at her with disdain. Regardless, Pebblepaw left that meeting with less weight on her shoulder and a brand new brother in the form of Crowpaw (who unfortunately went missing not long after.

Pebblepaw learned to overcome her fear of fighting from a warrior named Mudhound - who told her that it was ok to be scared. What made a cat brave was working through the fear rather than hiding from it. This message allowed to her to assist Thunderclan in protecting Sunkissed creek from Shadowclan and get her revenge on Wildshore with a Super Pebble Punch.

Warrior moons:

At 13 moons, Pebblepaw was named Pebbleshine for her courage and cheerfulness. Alongside her at this naming ceremony were Goldenpaw - now Goldenhawk, Wolfpaw - now Wolfmist, and Hazelpaw - now Hazelflash.

Not long after helping Thunderclan discover new territory, she was captured by twolegs for almost three moons. 

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